Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Beauty In Ugly

I just got finished reading the news, and thought, how depressing, so looking for a little spiritual "pick me up" I headed over to one of my favorite blogs.  Unfortunately the writer has lost her bloody mind and decided to dedicate her blog to the utter destruction of President Obama.  While I do not necessarily care whether she likes the current POTUS or not, but linking him with some sort of apocalyptic religious end of the world is pushing the boundaries of sanity (just a bit?!).  It stinks to take a blog out of my favorites, but this lovely woman would be better served talking to a counselor rather than blogging.  I am sure we can all agree that everyone needs to step away from the keyboard every so often and change the aluminum foil on their head.  Could I get an Amen?!

So let me level set everyone, Obama is a Democrat, and he will do things that Democrats do.  If you are surprised by that, then you haven't been paying attention.  He is not the second coming of Christ, and he sure as hell isn't the Anti-Christ.  He is a man, remarkable as heck perhaps, and he is still shares the same foibles that plague us all. 

Okay, enough of that nonsense.  We should talk about the Stimulus Plan, but bah, everyone is talking about that. 

So rather than bore you all with that nonsense, let's look at a Jason Mraz video!

The Beauty in Ugly

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